Monday, January 12, 2009

#10 Review

Run Fat Boy Run is a new hilarious movie with a interesting ending. Staring upcoming actors; Simon Pegg, Thandie Newton, and Hank Azaria, they bring many interesting twists to this film. Filmed in London, England, this film if gut busting funny not only because of the ridiculous accents but the interesting running style of the main character. the movie begins with Dennis (Simon Pegg) leaving his pregnant fiancee at the alter. After years of trying to persuade Libby(the ex-) to give him another chance, Dennis finds that Libby has found a new man. a competition between the two men starts to develop. Libby's new man is a marathon runner who will soon run the London marathon, Dennis decides that to prove to Libby that he is committed,is to commit to the marathon too. the typical ending that I'm sure you are thinking of right now doesn't happen! watch it love it! i would compare this movie to Runaway Bride, because the guy i fighting for the girl, who sometimes could careless. i give this movie a four out of five star rating