If you have a pair of skies, nordic or alpine, get them out of your closet and dust them off because we have a holiday coming up. the skiiers holiday is a day when skiers take ahold of the hills and ski to their hearts content. there is very inportant and specific traditional clothing that includes the sacred hat with pompom, grandmother made mittens, pattern jacket, and slightly used snowpants. in preperation for this holiday i, myself, have boughten a season pass to the nesest ski hill, hyland park. i have also gotten a hold of some wicked bright green snowpants.
To prove your worth on the slopes i encourage every one to wear your pins and patches. this includes the sacred ski jammers and blizzard patches, and every pin that you have bought at any ski area in the world. i have over 20, beat that! this amazing celebration comes with every passing year and is celebrated on various days. my personal celebration is the first ski day, the first race day and the last ski day(usually in march when half the hill is melting). on this day let your inner child run loose, fly over some jumps, crash into some snow banks and ski fast!